Location: Horst, Vilvoorde, Belgium
Date: 2022
Programme: Stage Design 
Client: Horst
Status: Completed
Area: 800 m²

Team: Traumnovelle (architects) 
Carbonifère (landscape architects)
Liam Van Belle (Light operator)
Illias Teirlinck
Dieter Van Caneghem
Jente Waerzeggers
Jeroen Verrecht
Jonas Reuben
Elias Derboven
Antoine Grenez

Troppo fiso!‘Troppo fiso!’ - too still! - says the goddess to Dante as his penitent soul travels through the Purgatory. His journey through the seven purges of the soul thus becomes about ever going forward, relinquishing sin as he reaches God’s light.Traumnovelle and Sébastien Lacomblez reveal light as the primary architectural material. They transform the experience of the Horst festival into a luminous poemand an introspective and collective journey inside an architecture in perpetual evolution. Offering each participant their own Divine Comedy, the experience is anode to movement. It plunges the crowd into a cathartic and ineluctable march forward, taking them through the successive circles of a purgatory of light.Traumnovelle and Sébastien Lacomblez offer an aesthetic and symbolic journey mixing architecture and the world of the night.



Troppo Fiso!